Wednesday, July 31, 2024

Reinvent Money 7/31/2024

Douglas Macgregor: Israel’s existential fight with Hezbollah and preconditions for peace in Ukraine

Douglas Macgregor: Mike Pompeo’s alleged “Trump Peace Plan for Ukraine”

 Douglas Macgregor

Mike Pompeo’s alleged “Trump Peace Plan for Ukraine” in the WSJ [] proposes steps to end the war in Ukraine that are tantamount to applying a fresh coat of paint to a car that is already wrecked beyond recognition. 

Lifting the few remaining restrictions on military aid to Ukraine won’t rescue the collapsing Ukrainian Armed Forces from total annihilation or restore Washington’s military or diplomatic credibility. 

Pompeo’s proposal is analogous to bringing a hammer to a chess match. The hammer won’t alter the outcome of the game, and it completely misses the point of strategic thinking.   

It's time to suspend all military aid to the corrupt Ukrainian regime, withdraw all U.S. citizens in and out of uniform from Ukraine, and offer to treat the proposals Moscow tabled in December 2021 and January 2022 as the basis for a negotiated settlement. 

Washington and its European Allies need the restoration of economic stability and industrial redevelopment. It’s a recognition of strategic reality and the humanitarian needs of the Ukrainian People. 

Then, perhaps, Washington can focus on preventing Israel from committing suicide in Lebanon where Israel’s planned offensive is inducing regional and global powers like Iran, Turkey, Egypt, the peninsular Arab States, Russia, and China to stop Israel.   

Surely President Trump knows that power dynamics are not swayed by grand gestures or simplistic fixes. They require sober analysis and strategic depth—something Pompeo’s proposal lacks. America’s internal and external conflicts are spiraling of control.

 Our history teaches that a house divided against itself cannot stand. Our Republic is on life support. We must focus on saving it, not on escalating conflict abroad.

Judging Freedom/Judge Napolitano 7/31/2024

Col. Douglas Macgregor : US Dangerous Foreign Policy

Natalie Brunell 7/31/2024

Col. Douglas Macgregor on Trump/Harris/RFK Jr. Race, Wars & Rebuilding Financial System on Bitcoin
In this episode featuring Col. Douglas Macgregor we discuss:
- The current state of American politics and the race between Kamala Harris, Donald Trump and RFK Jr.
- Geopolitical conflict analysis - how do we extract ourselves from overseas wars?
- Money printing and the decline of America
- Bitcoin at the core of a new global financial system
- Washington D.C. corruption and donors
- How we unite to improve the nation and American life

Monday, July 29, 2024

Redacted 7/29/2024 HIGH ALERT!

HIGH ALERT! NATO Just Crossed Putin's Red Line with this Massive Attack | Redacted w Clayton Morris

Thursday, July 25, 2024

The Coming Economic Collapse TUOMAS MALINEN JUL 23, 2024

 The Coming Economic Collapse

Wednesday, July 24, 2024

Tuesday, July 23, 2024

Thursday, July 18, 2024

Our Country Our Choice 7/18/2024: The Save Act


Strengthening the SAVE Act with Douglas Macgregor!

The Prather Point 7/18/2024 UPDATED

 The Prather Point 7/18/2024: Breaking: U.S. Deep State Targeted Trump and Putin!


Edited to just include only Colonel Macgregor's interview:

Breaking: U.S. Deep State Targeted Trump and Putin!

***Colonel Macgregor's interview starts around the 15:21 mark***

Saturday, July 13, 2024

Judge Napolitano 7/12/2024

Colonel Douglas Macgregor:  U.S. Foreign Policy on the Brink

Monday, July 8, 2024

Russell Brand 7/5/2024

‘THE US IS FALLING APART’ - EXCLUSIVE Colonel Douglas Macgregor Interview (and UK Elections)

Thursday, July 4, 2024

Stephen Gardner 7/3/2024: It's Beyond Our Worst Fears

Putin Will Attack Warns Colonel Douglas Macgregor.  Biden's Weakness Endangers U.S.A. and Ukraine!