Friday, October 4, 2024

Important Message from Our Country Our Choice 10/4/2024

Our Country Our Choice

Mr. President 

I URGE you to direct your focus to the people of North Carolina.

How is it that we have billions of dollars to send overseas, but we only have $750 for hard-working Americans here at home?

Redacted with Clayton Morris 10/3/2024

Israel is getting SLAUGHTERED in Lebanon, Americans are trapped

Wednesday, October 2, 2024

Monday, September 30, 2024

Friday, September 27, 2024

The Big Mig 9/26/2024

"United We Stand, Divided We Fall" with Colonel Douglas Macgregor

Thursday, September 26, 2024

Tuesday, September 17, 2024

Redacted 9/16/2024 "Putin is preparing a MASSIVE invasion to end this war" Col. Douglas Macgregor

Russia is warning today that Ukraine is about to launch a massive false flag operation... where they would strike children's hospitals using Russian weapons in order to rally support from the west... 

Ready to lead your town to victory?  

Be the first hero in your town and get 33% discount.

Click below now to help take our country back. 

Monday, September 9, 2024

Ready to lead your town to victory?


Be the first hero in your town and get 33% discount.

Click below now to help take our country back.

#BeTheHero #TakeOurCountryBack  #Re:Public 

Sunday, September 1, 2024

The Roger Stone Show on 77 WABC Radio 9/1/2024

 Col. Douglas Macgregor on America’s Reckoning With Reality—The Roger Stone Show on 77 WABC Radio!

Tuesday, August 27, 2024

Redacted 8/26/2024

"America is facing its RECKONING and no one is ready" Col. Douglas Macgregor


Friday, August 23, 2024

Glenn Diesen 8/22/2024

NATO invades Russia? - Colonel Douglas Macgregor & Professor Glenn Diesen

Tuesday, August 20, 2024

Saturday, August 3, 2024


Col. Douglas Macgregor - Who is governing the United States of America?


In this exclusive post-debate episode, Col. Doug Macgregor and Dr. Ravassi comment on the Presidential debate, 2024 election prospects, global conflicts and world realignment, attempting to answer the most obvious of all questions - Who is governing the United States of America? 

STATE of AFFAIRS with DR. RAVASSI was created in partnership with Serbian Radio Chicago to convey conversations that matter. It is also featured on a new global media portal Intelligencer. 
We aim to better position the American-Serbian community in a public discourse and to discuss various topics informing all Patriots about issues that affects our lives, values and families every day. 

STATE of AFFAIRS proudly promotes Serbs for Trump, SAVA PAC, COCUS, and Intelligencer. 

Wednesday, July 31, 2024

Reinvent Money 7/31/2024

Douglas Macgregor: Israel’s existential fight with Hezbollah and preconditions for peace in Ukraine

Douglas Macgregor: Mike Pompeo’s alleged “Trump Peace Plan for Ukraine”

 Douglas Macgregor

Mike Pompeo’s alleged “Trump Peace Plan for Ukraine” in the WSJ [] proposes steps to end the war in Ukraine that are tantamount to applying a fresh coat of paint to a car that is already wrecked beyond recognition. 

Lifting the few remaining restrictions on military aid to Ukraine won’t rescue the collapsing Ukrainian Armed Forces from total annihilation or restore Washington’s military or diplomatic credibility. 

Pompeo’s proposal is analogous to bringing a hammer to a chess match. The hammer won’t alter the outcome of the game, and it completely misses the point of strategic thinking.   

It's time to suspend all military aid to the corrupt Ukrainian regime, withdraw all U.S. citizens in and out of uniform from Ukraine, and offer to treat the proposals Moscow tabled in December 2021 and January 2022 as the basis for a negotiated settlement. 

Washington and its European Allies need the restoration of economic stability and industrial redevelopment. It’s a recognition of strategic reality and the humanitarian needs of the Ukrainian People. 

Then, perhaps, Washington can focus on preventing Israel from committing suicide in Lebanon where Israel’s planned offensive is inducing regional and global powers like Iran, Turkey, Egypt, the peninsular Arab States, Russia, and China to stop Israel.   

Surely President Trump knows that power dynamics are not swayed by grand gestures or simplistic fixes. They require sober analysis and strategic depth—something Pompeo’s proposal lacks. America’s internal and external conflicts are spiraling of control.

 Our history teaches that a house divided against itself cannot stand. Our Republic is on life support. We must focus on saving it, not on escalating conflict abroad.

Judging Freedom/Judge Napolitano 7/31/2024

Col. Douglas Macgregor : US Dangerous Foreign Policy

Natalie Brunell 7/31/2024

Col. Douglas Macgregor on Trump/Harris/RFK Jr. Race, Wars & Rebuilding Financial System on Bitcoin
In this episode featuring Col. Douglas Macgregor we discuss:
- The current state of American politics and the race between Kamala Harris, Donald Trump and RFK Jr.
- Geopolitical conflict analysis - how do we extract ourselves from overseas wars?
- Money printing and the decline of America
- Bitcoin at the core of a new global financial system
- Washington D.C. corruption and donors
- How we unite to improve the nation and American life

Monday, July 29, 2024

Redacted 7/29/2024 HIGH ALERT!

HIGH ALERT! NATO Just Crossed Putin's Red Line with this Massive Attack | Redacted w Clayton Morris

Thursday, July 25, 2024

The Coming Economic Collapse TUOMAS MALINEN JUL 23, 2024

 The Coming Economic Collapse

Wednesday, July 24, 2024

Tuesday, July 23, 2024

Thursday, July 18, 2024

Our Country Our Choice 7/18/2024: The Save Act


Strengthening the SAVE Act with Douglas Macgregor!

The Prather Point 7/18/2024 UPDATED

 The Prather Point 7/18/2024: Breaking: U.S. Deep State Targeted Trump and Putin!


Edited to just include only Colonel Macgregor's interview:

Breaking: U.S. Deep State Targeted Trump and Putin!

***Colonel Macgregor's interview starts around the 15:21 mark***

Saturday, July 13, 2024

Judge Napolitano 7/12/2024

Colonel Douglas Macgregor:  U.S. Foreign Policy on the Brink

Monday, July 8, 2024

Russell Brand 7/5/2024

‘THE US IS FALLING APART’ - EXCLUSIVE Colonel Douglas Macgregor Interview (and UK Elections)

Thursday, July 4, 2024

Stephen Gardner 7/3/2024: It's Beyond Our Worst Fears

Putin Will Attack Warns Colonel Douglas Macgregor.  Biden's Weakness Endangers U.S.A. and Ukraine!

Friday, June 28, 2024

Arta Moeini on X:

Arta Moeini on X: "💢Some thoughts on the Iran presidential elections today: 1) No matter the winner, there'll be continuity in Iran's strategic posture. 🇮🇷 policy of 'resistance' will persist. Rapproachment with neighbors & backchanneling with the US will continue. 2) Despite core policies

Our Country Our Choice: The debate is a call for accountability.

 Our Country Our Choice
🚨 The debate is a call for accountability.

We must ask ourselves.

Who truly runs this country? Watch below and find out.

Judging Freedom/Judge Napolitano 6/27/2024

 Judging Freedom/Judge Napolitano
COL. Douglas Macgregor :Ukraine Nearing the End! Netanyahu Desperate!

Bannons War Room 6/21/2024 Part 1 and 2

 Bannons War Room 6/21/2024 Part 1 and 2
Douglas Macgregor: 

Part 1
Nothing Overseas Is More Important Than What's Happening In America Now

Part 2 starts at 25:52
Our Border Is Bleeding And Needs To Be Secured

Our Country Our Choice: CNN and the White House Will Control Tonight's Debate Questions.

 Our Country Our Choice
CNN and the White House Will Control Tonight's Debate Questions.

But here are the REAL, UNFILTERED questions Joe Biden & Donald Trump must answer.

The American people deserve transparency.

Monday, June 24, 2024

The American Conservative 6/24/2024 Ideas for Candidates Beyond Talking Points

Ideas for Candidates Beyond Talking Points

Americans want a nation that leads by example. The candidates for the presidency and Congress should provide it to them.

You can read the article here:

If you prefer to listen to the article with a voice generated AI, go here:

Thursday, June 20, 2024

Stephen Gardner 6/20/2024

The Media is Lying - Putin Knows EXACTLY What He's Doing!!

Philadelphia, PA 6/27/2024

Colonel Macgregor had a presentation on Monday at an American League in Philadelphia, PA and wanted to share two pictures from that event with you.

Daniel Davis 6/19/2024

 Col. Douglas Macgregor - Latest on Ukraine & Putin's NOKO visit

Monday, June 10, 2024

Wednesday, June 5, 2024

Daniel Davis 6/4/2024

Could U.S. Army Beat the Russians?  
Colonel Doug Macgregor Reveals Truth

Sunday, June 2, 2024

Freedom News 05/18/2024

Greetings and welcome to Freedom News. 
The focus of today's interview will be the so-called defense cooperation agreement between Sweden and the United States of America. Their proponents they claim it is vital for the Swedish security by handing over 17 military bases to the American Military while the critics compares it to a fullscale military occupation. With us here today to give his expert opinion on this is none other than Colonel Douglas Macgregor. 

Saturday, June 1, 2024

Saturday, May 25, 2024

Newsvoice.SE 5/23/2024

 5/23/2024 Newsvoice.SE

Colonel Douglas Macgregor’s Warning: Sweden Sold itself to Fight Russia

LifeSite 5/10/2024

EXCLUSIVE: Colonel Macgregor shows how neocon foreign policy has thrown the world into chaos - LifeSite

Monday, May 6, 2024

Daniel Davis 5/6/2024

Colonel Doug Macgregor: Ukraine Front lines Buckled, Will Russian Troops Push Deeper?

Saturday, April 27, 2024

Russell Brand 4/26/2024

“There’s NOTHING Left!” 600,000 Ukrainians DEAD! | Colonel Douglas Macgregor On The Ukraine War

Today is my conversation with U.S. Army Colonel Retired Combat Veteran & CEO of, Colonel Douglas Macgregor.

In this conversation, we discussed the escalating threat of World War III and ongoing conflicts worldwide. Additionally, we explored the sentiments of American veterans regarding the war machine and whether Americans are becoming more aware of the workings of the military-industrial complex.

Thursday, April 25, 2024

Colonel Macgregor's most recent OP-ED 4/23/2024 -- Audio only.

If you prefer to read the article, go to:  

The American Conservative 4/23/2024
Is It Game, Set, Match to Moscow?
The American brand will suffer so long as Washington pretends its capacities are limitless.

Tuesday, April 23, 2024

Monday, April 22, 2024

Tuesday, April 16, 2024

Judge Napolitano/Judging Freedom 4/16/2024

Col. Douglas Macgregor : Will Israel Go Nuclear?
From Israel's strategic calculus to the regional dynamics of the Middle East, we analyze the factors that could potentially drive Israel towards nuclear action.

The American Conservative 4/16/2024

Would Israel Go Nuclear Against Iran?
And will the U.S. be dragged along for the ride?

Douglas Macgregor
Apr 15, 2024 (Audio Only, 6:35 mins)

Wednesday, April 10, 2024

Reinvent Money with Paul Buitink 4/9/2024

Colonel Douglas Macgregor:  "Europeans need to take control of their own destiny"

Tuesday, April 2, 2024

Saturday, March 30, 2024

RPN 3/30/2024

Restoring The Nation
*please note: there is an echo for the first couple of minutes with Colonel Macgregor's voice.  The host corrects this.*

Tuesday, March 26, 2024

REAL AMERICA -- Dan Ball 3/25/2024

W/ Col. Doug Macgregor, Terror Attack In Moscow Kills 140+

Redacted 3/25/2024


Redacted 3/25/2024

Colonel Macgregor talked to Clayton Morris about the latest:

Ukraine and Russia and what this means for NATO 
What's next for Ukraine 
What's next for this massive military strike that Putin Unleashed over the past 24 hours 
What does it look like going into the spring 

Tuesday, March 19, 2024

Judge Napolitano Judging Freedom 3/19/2024

Col. Douglas Macgregor: Investigate US Foreign Policy Disasters

Repost of interview from 3/1/2024 but for the German speaking audience:

Die Weltwoche


#Putin ist viel klüger als seine Gegner: US-Colonel #DouglasMacgregor über die massiv unterschätzte russische #Armee, den Zusammenbruch des #Selenskyj-Regimes und die politische Lage in den #USA

Tuesday, March 12, 2024

Monday, March 11, 2024

Saturday, March 9, 2024

Wednesday, March 6, 2024

Neil Oliver 2/17/2024

What can we expect to see for the West's  military in the near future?

Gerald Celente

Democracy Is a Sham, Our Republic Is In Ruins

Tuesday, March 5, 2024

Tucker Carlson

Doug Macgregor on the worst idea congress has ever had.

Monday, March 4, 2024

Friday, March 1, 2024

BCM Podcast Ep. 20 3/1/2024

Former Senior Advisor to the Secretary of Defense, author, and expert on foreign policy, retired Colonel Douglas Macgregor joins the BCM Podcast. We discuss the wars in Ukraine and Israel/Gaza, the upcoming Presidential election, the US role in the world, and more. 


Putin is much smarter than his opponents: US Colonel Macgregor on the underestimated Russian

Redacted 2/29/2024

Russia has just mobilized a portion of its nuclear missile fleet in response to NATO's threat to place troops in Ukraine. 

Thursday, February 29, 2024

Wednesday, February 28, 2024

Monday, February 26, 2024

Stephen Gardner 2/16/2024

Douglas Macgregor reaction to Russia-Ukraine Catastrophe and Tucker Carlson Putin Interview

Saturday, February 24, 2024

STATE of AFFAIRS with DR. RAVASSI 2/19/2024

Col. Douglas Macgregor - The existential threat to Americans is internal.

Col. Douglas Macgregor shares the most relevant take-aways from the Tucker Carlson interview with President Putin, thoughts on the continued US funding of Ukraine, key developments in the Middle East, and more... 

Natalie Brunell 2/19/2024

What Endgame Means for Political Elite, Election, Financial System, Bitcoin
In this episode with retired Col. Douglas Macgregor powered by Bitdeer Technologies Group (Nasdaq: BTDR) we discuss:

- Whether the Fed/Washington insiders are still in control of the financial system
- U.S. dollar hegemony
- Can Bitcoin win against the 'elites'
- Nations seeking alternatives like gold and Bitcoin
- Border crisis, election, foreign wars
- Finding common ground among fellow Americans

Friday, February 23, 2024

America's Choice w/ David Gornoski 2/13/2024

David Gornoski is joined by the returning Col. Douglas Macgregor for a conversation on Tucker Carlson's interview with Vladimir Putin, the restoration of Orthodoxy in Russia, why the United States needs to go back to the vision of its founding fathers, whether we are close to a negotiation on Ukraine, the trouble in the Middle East, whether the anti-war Left is finally waking up, and more.

Rep. Andy Biggs 2/21/2024


The What's the Biggs Idea podcast is live with Colonel Douglas Macgregor.

Steak For Breakfast 2/13/2024 Audio Only

episode 332

Wednesday, February 21, 2024

Tom Woods 2/2/2024

Col. Douglas Macgregor on the State of the Empire

Col. Douglas Macgregor discusses the current situation in Ukraine, Gaza, the Red Sea, and more, plus his retrospective on the Cold War.

Saturday, February 17, 2024

Real Truthtalk 2/16/2024

Col Douglas Macgregor: Answers Questions On Military War Conflict Update*

Thursday, February 15, 2024

Wednesday, February 14, 2024

Britain no longer has a military (The Telegraph: you need to have a subscription to read)

(The Telegraph offers a free 7 day trial)

Recruitment processes are under assault from faceless, woke people. We are now resorting to desperate – and dangerous – measures

12 February 2024 • 2:44pm

Monday, February 5, 2024

The American Conservative 2/4/2024

To Bomb or Not to Bomb Iran: That Is the Question

Air strikes must be proportional to presumed gains, as well as anticipated losses.

Audio Only version:

Text version:

Thursday, February 1, 2024

Redacted 1/31/2024

"Get ready, we are going to ATTACK Iran" Col. Douglas Macgregor | Redacted with Clayton Morris

Tuesday, January 30, 2024

What is Our Country Our Choice?

CEO - Douglas Macgregor explains about the primary purpose behind Our Country Our Choice, and the importance on joining the movement to create change in America!

Wednesday, January 24, 2024

Judge Napolitano - Judging Freedom - 1/24/2024

SPECIAL: Colonel Macgregor on US Military Overreach.

The Michael Savage Show - Posted 1/24/2024 - Audio Only


THE BIGGEST THREAT TO WORLD PEACE? Savage & Col. Macgregor – Episode #676

Col. Macgregor and Savage discuss the greatest threats to world peace as tensions rise in the Middle East. They cover the devastating loss of life in the ongoing conflict between Ukraine and Russia. Macgregor emphasizes the tragic sacrifices made by a whole generation of Ukrainian men, adding his concerns about criminality and greed surrounding the conflict. What are Biden’s missteps with Iran and the Houthi rebels in Yemen? What lies next for Israel? How does the war with Hamas threaten Israel’s future? What would be the consequences of a greater conflict with Hezbollah? Then, the conversation leads to the threat at home. Who are the pro-Palestinian protesters? Will Trump be defeated in the general election? Can anyone stop the threat of World War 3? Why we need a leader who can inspire rather than divide the nation. What Biden’s Border invasion portends.

Saturday, January 20, 2024

The American Conservative 1/20/2024

2024: The Year Foreign Policy Delusions Die Hard
America’s leaders are out to lunch as the nation lurches forward into a more dangerous world.

Douglas Macgregor
Jan 19, 2024 12:05 AM

Edited to add audio file for those who would prefer to listen or have trouble accessing article:

Thursday, January 18, 2024

 Stephen Gardner 1/18/2024

Col. Macgregor Shares BOMBSHELL Intel on Ukraine and WW3!

Colonel Douglas Macgregor and Stephen Gardner discuss the Russia Ukraine war, Zelensky and Putin, the Houthis in Yemen and Iran. We also touch on US military, Pentagon Israel war and Southern Border Crisis. Macrgregor agrees with Scott Ritter that the Ukraine war is over and has become an humanitarian crisis carried forward by NATO. Germany believes World War 3 WW3 is coming and Putin will start it. Macgregor slaps this down as nonsense and then shares facts and reasoning.

Wednesday, January 17, 2024

Redacted 1/16/2024

"This is about to BLOW UP in our faces and Biden is making it worse" Col. Macgregor | Redacted News

Tuesday, January 16, 2024

Daniel Davis 1/16/2024

Col. Doug Macgregor: Will the West Blunder its Way into WWIII with Russia?

Monday, January 15, 2024

The Other Side of Midnight 1/15/2024

Frank sits down with Col. Douglas Macgregor, a retired U.S. Army Colonel, former senior advisor to the Secretary of Defense, author and a senior fellow at The American Conservative. Together they discuss the recent American strikes in Yemen.