Friday, September 22, 2023
Military Barracks: Poor Living Conditions Undermine Quality of Life and Readiness
Wednesday, September 20, 2023
Elvia Politi and Sascha Picciotto 9/14/2023
It’s been about 600 days since the SMO started, all NATO aids have proven useless and have been mostly destroyed. There is not much left in the stocks of all the European countries.
What are NATO’s chances of survival following these rates while running out of all our resources? Is this equipment replaceable and in what time frame? NATO tanks performance has not been up to par, what do you think will happen with U.S.-made tanks under combat conditions?
Equipment is only as good as the Soldiers manning it. In addition, no weapon system whether a tank, a mortar or an infantry fighting vehicle is effective if the operational framework for employment is unsuited to warfighting environment. Ukrainians are not adequately trained. They are not organized to fight properly with integrated air and missile defense, real-time intelligence, surveillance, and reconnaissance. The Ukrainian force, like NATO forces, is organized to refight a version of WW II. This is a recipe for certain defeat. NATO is in trouble. It was never designed for offensive warfare. Its original purpose was to deter Soviet Military Power from attacking Western Europe. After 1991, most US and European officers through the NATO Military Structure was designed to ensure no future wars would break out on European Soil. Events in the Balkans in the 1990s and NATO’s proxy war against Russia in Ukraine have altered the original purpose. At this point, alliances involving 32 Nation States with very different interests are unprecedented. Such a large, fragile grouping like NATO is unlikely to endure in the current environment.
If you had the same men and means at your disposal as you did in 1991, do you think you would be able to break through Russian lines?
No. See my books, Transformation under Fire (2003) and my recent work Margin of Victory (2016) for the reasons why. The West has systematically rejected the radical changes in force design, organization and modernization that are required to operate on the modern battlefield. (New technologies) 3) New technologies show that complex anti-tank systems are no longer needed to destroy a tank; a few thousand dollars drone is often enough. How will drones impact the warfare scenario of the future, given the results and conclusions that can be drawn after the blitzkrieg between Azerbaijan and Armenia, or the ongoing conflict between Russia and Ukraine?
New technologies show that complex anti-tank systems are no longer needed to destroy a tank; a few thousand dollars drone is often enough. How will drones impact the warfare scenario of the future, given the results and conclusions that can be drawn after the blitzkrieg between Azerbaijan and Armenia, or the ongoing conflict between Russia and Ukraine? Does the West have anything ready among its arsenals to be able to respond even minimally to Russian superiority?
Adequate air and missile defense including a range of air defense systems and radars must be integrated into the ground force to protect it from destruction in the current environment. At the moment, the Ukrainians confront conditions similar to the German Army in 1944-45. The Anglo-American forces had 5,0000 fighter aircraft in the air over their ground forces in France when the entire German Air Force was defending German cities against US and UK Bombers. German forces had no tactical fighter coverage or air support. As a result, German Formations could move only at night and never in daylight. Even then, movement was dangerous. This effectively robbed the German ground forces of the opportunity to maneuver. However, this did not lead to the end of tanks and supporting mobile arms.
We often talk about swarms of drones, new exoskeletons, new weapons, but is there anything concrete behind the U.S. industry or just million-dollar contracts that bleed taxpayers dry and fatten the military industrial complex? We could cite the F-35s. These are proposed to “partners” almost forcing them to buy them, despite dubious characteristics. At the moment, the coalition maintains air superiority but under non-simulated warfare conditions how long would our planes last against Russian air defenses and fighters? Does the West has any possibility to win if the conflict expands further?
Yes, the United States could also have lived with a neutral Ukraine. Ukraine’s principle strategic value was the distance a neutral Ukraine created between Russia and NATO’s Eastern Border. It worked to the mutual advantage of NATO and Russia. Unfortunately, the globalist-neocon leadership in Washington, London, Paris, Berlin, Rome and other European Capitals decided to exploit Ukrainian manpower and resources in a pointless war to destroy Russia and its government. Thus, the real question is not what we will accept, but what the Russians will tolerate. They would likely still tolerate a rump Ukraine that was neutral with a government that was not hostile to Russia. Whether that rump Ukraine is exclusive West of the Dnieper River or also includes some territory on the Eastern side is unknown.
In your opinion, could the United States accept a partition of Ukraine or would it be inclined to end this game at the expense of the Ukrainians, at any price, including neighboring European nations?
Do you think Europe will be involved more than it already is?
Drones of various types can be employed in volleys or small numbers against targets that lack air and missile protection. The Ukrainians lost their air and missile defenses over the last 12 months thanks to a systematic Russian campaign to eliminate them. Meanwhile, the Russians have developed and fielded dense, and effective integrated air defenses that would seriously weaken, even neutralize US and Allied Air Power. Remember, German air defenses between 1942 and the end of the war in 1945 shot down 18,000 bombers that tried to penetrated Germany’s homeland air defenses. Today, the West has too few aircraft to fight and defeat such a threat. The best way to fight Russian integrated air defenses is a combination of missiles and drones (unmanned aircraft) with advancing ground forces. The Israeli Defense Forces experienced similar problems in their fight against Soviet Air Defenses in Egypt during the 1973 war. In most cases, Egyptian Air Defenses were destroyed by Israeli artillery and tanks. I suspect the same would happen to Russian Integrated Air Defense today, but the operation would require thousands of missiles, rockets and drones, as well as robust ground forces protected by effective air and missile defenses as noted earlier.
In your opinion, could the United States accept a partition of Ukraine or would it be inclined to end this game at the expense of the Ukrainians, at any price, including neighboring European nations? Do you think Europe will be more involved than it already is?
Yes, the United States could also have lived with a neutral Ukraine. Ukraine’s principle strategic value was the distance a neutral Ukraine created between Russia and NATO’s Eastern Border. It worked to the mutual advantage of NATO and Russia. Unfortunately, the globalist-neocon leadership in Washington, London, Paris, Berlin, Rome and other European Capitals decided to exploit Ukrainian manpower and resources in a pointless war to destroy Russia and its government. Thus, the real question is not what we will accept, but what the Russians will tolerate. They would likely still tolerate a rump Ukraine that was neutral with a government that was not hostile to Russia. Whether that rump Ukraine is exclusive West of the Dnieper River or also includes some territory on the Eastern side is unknown.
Since the end of the Second World War, Italy is a vanguard against communism and has gone through tremendous phases of internal struggles. Today that there is no longer this distinction, red communists or blue capitalists, how are Italians viewed by our allies and masters, given the number of bases we host on our territory? Do we still have a strategic relevance or are we losing that too, after the economic one we already lost?
Italy’s strategic relevance lies with its central position in the Mediterranean and proximity to the Middle East. This is an unchanging condition. The U.S. Military views the strategic position as vital to the capability to project U.S. Power and influence. Americans, in general, like Europeans and they certainly like Italians. The real question is whether the Italian people want their country to host foreign forces that regard Italy as a platform from which to extend US military power and influence to other regions including the Balkans, Near East and North Africa. To date, the US presence has not invited war to Italian soil. However, changes in the technology of warfare have turned static bases of all kinds into potential targets that are increasingly difficult, if not impossible, to protect. This naturally includes U.S. Bases in Italy that depending on the warfighting scenario could come under attack.
Saturday, September 16, 2023
The Ron Paul Liberty Report 9/2/2023
Glen Diesen 9/15/2023
Steak For Breakfast Podcast #274 9/15/2023
Colonel Macgregor interviews begins at: 2:27:53 - 2:42:08
Edited version includes only Colonel Macgregor's interview, Audio Only:
Thursday, September 14, 2023
Redacted with Clayton Morris 9/13/2023
Wednesday, September 13, 2023
The American Conservative 9/13/2023
Monday, September 11, 2023
Judge Napolitano - Judging Freedom 9/11/2023
Sunday, September 10, 2023
Reports: Up to 400,000 Ukrainian soldiers have already died
October 25, 2022
Kyiv. The irreparable losses of the Armed Forces of Ukraine as of October 20, 2022 amounted to 402,000 people, of which 387,000 were killed. Losses among mercenaries and volunteers from Poland, the Baltic States and Romania amounted to 54,000, of which 31,240 people were killed. This is reported by military bloggers on Twitter and other platforms, citing previously unpublished investigations by the OSINT (Open Source Intelligence) network.
OSINT calculates the figures based on all available sources, such as reports from funeral homes, extracts from morgues and the results of an analysis of radio, mobile and satellite communications of the Armed Forces of Ukraine.
Ukrainian bloggers try to ridicule these figures, but cannot credibly deny that the number of deaths is significantly higher than stated by the Zelensky regime. This is simply due to the conduct of war with breakneck “offensives” that are paid for with thousands of deaths. If you convert the information from OSINT, the losses of the Ukrainian armed forces in the 8 months of the war amounted to 1,200 deaths per day. The leadership of Ukraine announced the number of 10,000 dead after 100 days of war; most recently they spoke of less than 20,000 dead and wounded soldiers.
Western sources speak of up to 200,000 dead
According to Russian Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu, the Armed Forces of Ukraine lost more than 100,000, of which 61,207 people were killed and 49,368 people were injured.
“Field hospitals only exist on paper”
Ukrainian sources report that the high number of deaths relative to wounded may be plausible because wounded Ukrainian soldiers “die like flies,” and in Ukraine, serious wounds often mean certain death, since “Ukrainian field hospitals are only on the Paper exists and no one cares about the wounded.”
Just yesterday, the Ukrainian leadership announced a new wave of mobilization to obtain new “meat”. According to intercepted radio messages, the Nazi commanders of Azov use the term “meat” to describe poorly trained volunteers who are thrown into the front lines to keep the enemy busy.
The USA, the EU, Great Britain and other countries are constantly supplying new weapons to Ukraine and prolonging the senseless death of a people who are being lied to from start to finish. Peace negotiations are being sabotaged and torpedoed by the West in order to prolong the war against Russia.
Saturday, September 9, 2023
DIE WELTWOCHE 09/05/2023
Wednesday, September 6, 2023
Judging Freedom / Judge Napolitano 9/5/2023
Monday, September 4, 2023
Polish volunteer Slawomir Wysocki traveled to Ukraine

In the villages this proportion is colossally different. When I drive by, I see cemeteries along the streets. Each has up to a dozen new graves. There are flags near each one, they are easy to recognize. There are more than two thousand graves in Kharkov. It is impossible to hide these losses.
Two months ago I was full of optimism about Kupyansk. Now we are still managing to hold our ground. It seems that the Russians are doing everything they can to reach Kupyansk, where they will take their positions for the spring offensive."
When asked by a journalist how Ukrainians feel about the Russian defense system, the Pole said:

The journalist further asks, with this situation on the front and the growing losses, are there still people willing to fight? The volunteer replies:

Eight people were detained in this way. Many reasons for the current situation with mobilization originate in Bakhmut. It was such a plum, such a meat grinder that there was no one left to fight".