Monday, December 18, 2023
Redacted 12/17/2023
Thursday, December 14, 2023
MOATS with George Galloway 12/12/2023
Tuesday, December 12, 2023
Daniel Davis / Deep Dive 12/12/2023
Judge Napolitano - Judging Freedom 12/12/2023
Marc Friedrich 12/10/2023
Tuesday, December 5, 2023
Wednesday, November 29, 2023
Daniel Davis / Deep Dive 11/29/2023
A Neighbor's Choice 11/29/2023
Monday, November 27, 2023
Judge Napolitano - Judging Freedom 11/27/2023
Thursday, November 23, 2023
Colonel Macgregor interviews Robert F. Kennedy Jr 11/22/2023
Dan Ball - Real America 11/21/2023
Wednesday, November 22, 2023
Judge Napolitano - Judging Freedom 11/22/2023
Colonel Macgregor interviews Robert F Kennedy Jr. Preview 11/22/2023
Join us Wednesday night for a special interview with Presidential Candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr.
Tuesday, November 21, 2023
Daniel Davis Deep Dive 11/21/2023
Monday, November 20, 2023
Judging Freedom - Judge Napolitano 11/20/2023
Monday, November 13, 2023
Redacted with Clayton Morris 11/13/2023
Sunday, November 12, 2023
Saturday, November 11, 2023
Episode 290 of Steak for Breakfast Audio Only
Friday, November 10, 2023
Michael Adams 11/9/2023
Thursday, November 9, 2023
Natalie Brunell 11/8/2023
Monday, November 6, 2023
Daniel Davis - Deep Dive 11/6/2023
Turley Talks - Dr. Steve Turley 11/04/2023
Saturday, November 4, 2023
W Radio - 11/2/2023 Audio Only
Friday, November 3, 2023
The Great America Show with Lou Dobbs 11/2/2023 Audio Only
Thursday, November 2, 2023
Judge Napolitano - Judging Freedom 11/2/2023
Wednesday, November 1, 2023
Tuesday, October 31, 2023
Neil Oliver 10/28/2023
Monday, October 30, 2023
Stephen Gardner 10/30/2023
Friday, October 27, 2023
Steak For Breakfast 10/27/2023 Audio Only
Wednesday, October 25, 2023
Judge Napolitano - Judging Freedom 10/25/2023
Tuesday, October 24, 2023
Redacted with Clayton Morris 10/23/2023
Tucker Carlson 10/23/2023
Friday, October 20, 2023
Daniel Davis - Deep Dive 10/20/2023
Thursday, October 19, 2023
Wednesday, October 18, 2023
Avoiding Armageddon - The American Conservative 10/17/2023
Limited war is a form of warfare constrained by the exercise of deliberate restraint in the application of force and the pursuit of political-military goals that exclude annihilation. In Ukraine, all sides shared an interest in avoiding the use of nuclear weapons, and contrary to the Western narrative, Moscow’s goals were arguably confined to the destruction of hostile Ukrainian forces (“denazification”) and the establishment of a neutral Ukrainian state.
In the Middle East, the situation is very different. When Hamas fighters attacked Israel’s heavily fortified border at daybreak on October 7, the first wave of roughly 1,000 fighters advanced behind a curtain of rocket fire using motorcycles, pickup trucks, paragliders, and speed boats, Israeli forces were surprised. Ali Baraka, a senior Hamas official, said in an interview on October 8, “We made them think that Hamas was busy with governing Gaza, and that it wanted to focus on the 2.5 million Palestinians [in Gaza] and has abandoned the resistance altogether.”
In the days that followed, 3,000 fighters, including an unknown number from the Palestine Islamic Jihad (PIJ), penetrated Israeli territory, killing at least 1,300 Israelis and wounding approximately 3,500. Subsequent cross-border raids into Gaza revealed that some of the Israelis who were kidnapped were executed after entering Gaza.
The speed, coordination, and effectiveness of the Hamas operation was unexpected, but the horrific damage the Hamas fighters inflicted on Israel’s population was not surprising. Hamas exists for one purpose: to terrorize and kill Jews with the goal of destroying the State of Israel.
In response, Israel’s Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu declared war and mobilized 360,000 reservists to form an army of between 470,000 and 500,000. Netanyahu is obviously determined to impart a lasting object lesson, one that will crush Hamas in Gaza and probably eliminate any more talk inside the Palestinian population of a “two-state solution.” Having already pulverized Gaza from the air, the stage is now set for a battle of annihilation. The question is: whose annihilation?
Israeli rage is justified and widely shared by Americans. Like the Israelis, Americans are inclined to see terrorism through the lens of 19th-century piracy: “no quarter given, none expected.” In this total war setting, the Geneva Convention cannot apply to Hamas’s terrorist forces. But how long can the Israeli Defense Force (IDF) wage total war, depriving Gaza’s Arab population of food and water, without creating an enormous humanitarian disaster that will play for years in the news?
Can Hamas and its leadership be destroyed without killing large numbers of civilians who may hate the Israelis but have nothing to do with Hamas? Does it not serve Hamas’s purpose for the IDF to become bogged down in an open-ended, full-scale ground invasion of Gaza because the urban conflict will unavoidably entail loss of innocent life? Does it not seem ominous that Hamas is urging the population of Northern Gaza to remain in the ruins of the city?
Americans stand behind Israel, but many are unconvinced that killing more Arabs in Gaza will solve Israel’s security problem. Americans also have doubts about the Israeli government’s ultranationalist officials, Finance Minister Bezalel Smotrich and National Security Minister Itamar Ben-Gvir. These men are widely seen as emboldening Jewish extremists.
These questions and concerns may explain why Israel is rushing to carry the war into Gaza. If Russian forces arrive to help Egypt and Turkey establish a humanitarian corridor, there will be Russian and Turkish troops in Gaza to defend the distribution of humanitarian aid. Outpacing the arrival of Russians, Turks, and Egyptians makes sense.
These points notwithstanding, the Middle East today is very different from the Middle East in 1973. Technologies have altered the conduct of warfare, but more importantly, the societies and states of the Islamic world have also changed. Egypt, Syria, Iraq, Lebanon, Iran, and Turkey are different in character from what they were in the 1970s. None of the states bordering Israel will tolerate population shifts that introduce large numbers of Palestinian Arabs into their societies. Europeans want them even less.
Iran’s national leaders have already called on Islamic and Arab countries to form a united front against Israel, but Iran’s influence in these matters is more limited than most Americans realize. Iranian military power is largely restricted to Iran’s use of proxy militias like Hezbollah and their cooperation with the Pasdaran, Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps. Iran is simply incapable of adding high-end conventional military forces to such a front. Tehran’s government also knows that the use of Iran’s formidable theater ballistic missile force against Israel risks almost certain Israeli nuclear retaliation.
The governments of Egypt, Iraq, Saudi Arabia, the Emirates, and Lebanon are very probably opposed to a general war against Israel, but their enraged populations could easily trap them into doing so. Scenes of celebration across the Middle East showing people waving Palestinian and Hamas flags, dancing, and singing in the streets are being shared on social media.
Turkey’s President Erdogan has offered to mediate between Hamas and Israel, but Erdoğan himself has warned that the war won’t just stop “in a week or two.” However, Turkey, a nation of more than 80 million, is the one actor in the region with the societal cohesion, martial culture, and military power to lead the Sunni Arab states in a confrontation with Israel.
In a regional war, Turkey can field large armies and air forces equipped with modern weapons, manned by disciplined and determined fighters. The advent of a regional Sunni Muslim alliance guided by Ankara and financed by Qatar resurrects the specter of advanced conventional warfare for the IDF, a form of warfare known to only a few of today’s IDF leaders.
Sadly, the region has not advanced much beyond the conditions described by Ramsay MacDonald, Britain’s Prime Minister in 1924 and again from 1929 to 1931:
We encouraged an Arab revolt against Turkey by promising to create an Arab Kingdom from the Arab provinces of the Ottoman Empire including Palestine. At the same time, we were encouraging the Jews to help us, by promising them that Palestine would be placed at their disposal for settlement and government, and, also at the same time, we were secretly making with France the Sykes-Picot agreement partitioning the territory which we had instructed our Governor-General of Egypt to promise to the Arabs. The story is one of crude duplicity, and we cannot expect to escape the reprobation which is its proper sequel.
Both the Jews and the Muslims continue to live inside civilizational conflicts that have defined Jerusalem since World War I.
With American offshore naval power, Washington is certainly poised to stumble into the conflict if it widens, but the use of American naval power will not end it. Although it is distasteful to the ruling political class in Washington, the Biden administration should consider taking the lead in supporting a ceasefire, even if it means cooperating with the Turks, Egyptians, and Russians to secure the arrival of humanitarian aid.
Thursday, October 12, 2023
Daniel Davis - Deep Dive 10/12/2023
Monday, October 9, 2023
Judge Napolitano - Judging Freedom 10/9/2023
Thursday, October 5, 2023
Stephen Gardner 10/04/2023
Wednesday, October 4, 2023
The American Conservative 10/4/2023
"Zelensky is planning his eventual exit" JOACHIM SCHEFFER 10/4/2023
Volodymyr Zelensky owns substantial homes and bank accounts in the West. He is undoubtedly planning his eventual departure with these in mind, Douglas Macgregor said in an interview for Magyar Nemzet. The retired US colonel says Ukraine has already done all it can and that the war has entered the "Biden phase".
The Ukrainian counter-attack has failed to deliver what was hoped for, and the rainy weather of autumn is approaching, making it impossible to carry out ground operations. Could the Ukrainians be capable of one last major offensive in the coming weeks?
Kyiv's forces are exhausted. They can do no more than launch, small, limited attacks designed to create the illusion of remaining strength. Meanwhile, Moscow is building at least 200-300 kilometers of new rail lines according to open sources including imagery: one leg begins at Burne [in Donetsk] and terminates in Malovodne.
This will shorten the distance from Rostov on Don to Mariupol, eliminating exposure to Ukraine frontline shelling.
The new line will run directly from Mariupol to Berdiansk on the coastline. The line will then run from Berdiansk to Melitopol. In summary, these improvements will provide redundancy to the rail logistics support to Donetsk by avoiding the Kursk bridge. Russian military rail lines (logistics) will be beyond the range of the [US] HIMARs, but still vulnerable to the [British] Storm Shadow, and, potentially, the [US] ATACAMS. However, this activity also suggests their ability to sustain an offensive on a much larger scale in the future.
The first Abrams tanks have recently arrived in Ukraine. Can these, or even the F-16 fighters, make any difference?
No. Armies cannot be built on the fly. Armies require years of investment in human capital, as well as in force design, modernization, and training.
Expectations of Ukrainian battlefield success were never realistic.
In addition, the training and advice provided by NATO were a poor fit for the warfare in Eastern Ukraine. Russian military power rests on the systematic integration of strike assets—rockets, missiles, artillery, drones, and aircraft—with space- and terrestrial- based persistent surveillance. Once Russian forces halted their advance and established a defense in depth in eastern Ukraine, the Russians' accurate, devastating firepower began swatting the attacking Ukrainian ground and air forces like flies.
You recently said that "Biden's phase" of the war is beginning. What do you mean by this?
Ukraine has done all that it can do. The Biden phase means that Ukraine has become the 51st
state of the United States in a financial, economic, and military sense.
There's a lot of talk about the "Ukraine fatigue", which is real and more serious than at any time since the outbreak of the war. Developments in Poland and Slovakia indicate this, and Washington is sending signals to Kyiv that unwavering support is under threat. Should Zelensky be worried?
Zelensky owns substantial homes in the West and has bank accounts to support them. I am sure he's planning his eventual exit with these things in mind.
How will the upcoming US presidential election campaign affect aid
to Ukraine?
Americans are rarely interested in anything beyond the borders of their country and, if consulted, would refrain from all overseas interventions and entangling alliances. Woodrow Wilson in 1917 and Franklin D. Roosevelt in 1941 had to maneuver Americans into war with Germany and Japan, two states with which the United States had enjoyed good relations for decades. Americans wanted nothing to do with either World War One or World War Two.
The situation is no different now.
This time the potential for bankruptcy, and debt-fueled inflation, as well as the frustration and disappointment with the Biden administration's destructive policies, argue for an end to the conflict in Ukraine, adopting something similar to the Vietnam model. But it's premature to assume that rationality will prevail in Washington DC.
Tuesday, October 3, 2023
Judge Napolitano - Judging Freedom 10/2/2023
Friday, September 22, 2023
Military Barracks: Poor Living Conditions Undermine Quality of Life and Readiness
Wednesday, September 20, 2023
Elvia Politi and Sascha Picciotto 9/14/2023
It’s been about 600 days since the SMO started, all NATO aids have proven useless and have been mostly destroyed. There is not much left in the stocks of all the European countries.
What are NATO’s chances of survival following these rates while running out of all our resources? Is this equipment replaceable and in what time frame? NATO tanks performance has not been up to par, what do you think will happen with U.S.-made tanks under combat conditions?
Equipment is only as good as the Soldiers manning it. In addition, no weapon system whether a tank, a mortar or an infantry fighting vehicle is effective if the operational framework for employment is unsuited to warfighting environment. Ukrainians are not adequately trained. They are not organized to fight properly with integrated air and missile defense, real-time intelligence, surveillance, and reconnaissance. The Ukrainian force, like NATO forces, is organized to refight a version of WW II. This is a recipe for certain defeat. NATO is in trouble. It was never designed for offensive warfare. Its original purpose was to deter Soviet Military Power from attacking Western Europe. After 1991, most US and European officers through the NATO Military Structure was designed to ensure no future wars would break out on European Soil. Events in the Balkans in the 1990s and NATO’s proxy war against Russia in Ukraine have altered the original purpose. At this point, alliances involving 32 Nation States with very different interests are unprecedented. Such a large, fragile grouping like NATO is unlikely to endure in the current environment.
If you had the same men and means at your disposal as you did in 1991, do you think you would be able to break through Russian lines?
No. See my books, Transformation under Fire (2003) and my recent work Margin of Victory (2016) for the reasons why. The West has systematically rejected the radical changes in force design, organization and modernization that are required to operate on the modern battlefield. (New technologies) 3) New technologies show that complex anti-tank systems are no longer needed to destroy a tank; a few thousand dollars drone is often enough. How will drones impact the warfare scenario of the future, given the results and conclusions that can be drawn after the blitzkrieg between Azerbaijan and Armenia, or the ongoing conflict between Russia and Ukraine?
New technologies show that complex anti-tank systems are no longer needed to destroy a tank; a few thousand dollars drone is often enough. How will drones impact the warfare scenario of the future, given the results and conclusions that can be drawn after the blitzkrieg between Azerbaijan and Armenia, or the ongoing conflict between Russia and Ukraine? Does the West have anything ready among its arsenals to be able to respond even minimally to Russian superiority?
Adequate air and missile defense including a range of air defense systems and radars must be integrated into the ground force to protect it from destruction in the current environment. At the moment, the Ukrainians confront conditions similar to the German Army in 1944-45. The Anglo-American forces had 5,0000 fighter aircraft in the air over their ground forces in France when the entire German Air Force was defending German cities against US and UK Bombers. German forces had no tactical fighter coverage or air support. As a result, German Formations could move only at night and never in daylight. Even then, movement was dangerous. This effectively robbed the German ground forces of the opportunity to maneuver. However, this did not lead to the end of tanks and supporting mobile arms.
We often talk about swarms of drones, new exoskeletons, new weapons, but is there anything concrete behind the U.S. industry or just million-dollar contracts that bleed taxpayers dry and fatten the military industrial complex? We could cite the F-35s. These are proposed to “partners” almost forcing them to buy them, despite dubious characteristics. At the moment, the coalition maintains air superiority but under non-simulated warfare conditions how long would our planes last against Russian air defenses and fighters? Does the West has any possibility to win if the conflict expands further?
Yes, the United States could also have lived with a neutral Ukraine. Ukraine’s principle strategic value was the distance a neutral Ukraine created between Russia and NATO’s Eastern Border. It worked to the mutual advantage of NATO and Russia. Unfortunately, the globalist-neocon leadership in Washington, London, Paris, Berlin, Rome and other European Capitals decided to exploit Ukrainian manpower and resources in a pointless war to destroy Russia and its government. Thus, the real question is not what we will accept, but what the Russians will tolerate. They would likely still tolerate a rump Ukraine that was neutral with a government that was not hostile to Russia. Whether that rump Ukraine is exclusive West of the Dnieper River or also includes some territory on the Eastern side is unknown.
In your opinion, could the United States accept a partition of Ukraine or would it be inclined to end this game at the expense of the Ukrainians, at any price, including neighboring European nations?
Do you think Europe will be involved more than it already is?
Drones of various types can be employed in volleys or small numbers against targets that lack air and missile protection. The Ukrainians lost their air and missile defenses over the last 12 months thanks to a systematic Russian campaign to eliminate them. Meanwhile, the Russians have developed and fielded dense, and effective integrated air defenses that would seriously weaken, even neutralize US and Allied Air Power. Remember, German air defenses between 1942 and the end of the war in 1945 shot down 18,000 bombers that tried to penetrated Germany’s homeland air defenses. Today, the West has too few aircraft to fight and defeat such a threat. The best way to fight Russian integrated air defenses is a combination of missiles and drones (unmanned aircraft) with advancing ground forces. The Israeli Defense Forces experienced similar problems in their fight against Soviet Air Defenses in Egypt during the 1973 war. In most cases, Egyptian Air Defenses were destroyed by Israeli artillery and tanks. I suspect the same would happen to Russian Integrated Air Defense today, but the operation would require thousands of missiles, rockets and drones, as well as robust ground forces protected by effective air and missile defenses as noted earlier.
In your opinion, could the United States accept a partition of Ukraine or would it be inclined to end this game at the expense of the Ukrainians, at any price, including neighboring European nations? Do you think Europe will be more involved than it already is?
Yes, the United States could also have lived with a neutral Ukraine. Ukraine’s principle strategic value was the distance a neutral Ukraine created between Russia and NATO’s Eastern Border. It worked to the mutual advantage of NATO and Russia. Unfortunately, the globalist-neocon leadership in Washington, London, Paris, Berlin, Rome and other European Capitals decided to exploit Ukrainian manpower and resources in a pointless war to destroy Russia and its government. Thus, the real question is not what we will accept, but what the Russians will tolerate. They would likely still tolerate a rump Ukraine that was neutral with a government that was not hostile to Russia. Whether that rump Ukraine is exclusive West of the Dnieper River or also includes some territory on the Eastern side is unknown.
Since the end of the Second World War, Italy is a vanguard against communism and has gone through tremendous phases of internal struggles. Today that there is no longer this distinction, red communists or blue capitalists, how are Italians viewed by our allies and masters, given the number of bases we host on our territory? Do we still have a strategic relevance or are we losing that too, after the economic one we already lost?
Italy’s strategic relevance lies with its central position in the Mediterranean and proximity to the Middle East. This is an unchanging condition. The U.S. Military views the strategic position as vital to the capability to project U.S. Power and influence. Americans, in general, like Europeans and they certainly like Italians. The real question is whether the Italian people want their country to host foreign forces that regard Italy as a platform from which to extend US military power and influence to other regions including the Balkans, Near East and North Africa. To date, the US presence has not invited war to Italian soil. However, changes in the technology of warfare have turned static bases of all kinds into potential targets that are increasingly difficult, if not impossible, to protect. This naturally includes U.S. Bases in Italy that depending on the warfighting scenario could come under attack.